Februari 14, 2013

Complex Sentence

    In grammar, a complex sentence is a sentence with one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. A complex sentence is often used to make clear which ideas are most important, and which ideas are subordinate.

    The Independent Clause is also known as the Principal Clause. It can stand on it’s own.

The Dependent Clause is known as the subordinate clause. It can’t stand on its own.  In derives its meaning from the principal clause. The dependent clause always begins with the subordinator.  
Example :     After  I  closed  the door = incomplete idea = dependent clause.

Dependent Clause + comma + Independent Clause


Independent Clause + Dependent Clause (no comma)

This topic was presented by Anggi (@mery_anggrina), Risti (@ristiety), and Riska (@riska_dedew)


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