Estimation or judge the value, character, etc., of; evaluate: to assess one's efforts. Evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality
- Formative - for performance enhancement
- Summative - for performance assessment
- Formal - quizzes, tests, essays, lab reports, etc.
- Informal - active questioning during and at end of class
- Traditional - tests, quizzes, homework , lab reports, teacher
- Alternative - PBL’s, presentations, essays, book reviews, peers
- Pick a controversial issue - something people clearly agree or disagree with it strongly.
- Decide which side you will take - do you agree or disagree with it? This will be your opinion.
- Get as much information as you can in order to defend your point of view - you will need facts to support your point, examples of why your opinion is the correct one.
- “Parker” movie is very interesting. The main character is a talented stuntman.
- I must say that our presentation about mutation is very bad.
- I assess that Mario is not genius student, but he is so creative
- I sure you will be a successful man in the future.
This topic was presented by Andi Dewi Retno P. (@Aculll_), Akhmad Faried Fauzie (@Faried_Iker1), and Muhammad Ridho Rizki (@MRidhoR) from group 10.
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