Pernahkah kamu menyalahkan seseorang ? atau kamu pernah disalahkan oleh seseorang ?
Nah, bagaimana ekspresimu jika kamu menyalahkan seseorang atau mungkin disalahkan oleh seseorang.
Untuk lebih jelasnya, yuk... Baca saja materi Blaming dibawah ini, oiya ada juga lho... materi tentang Accusing ( Menuduh ). Ayo langsung saja ! Check this out !
1. Blaming ( Menyalahkan )
Nah, bagaimana ekspresimu jika kamu menyalahkan seseorang atau mungkin disalahkan oleh seseorang.
Untuk lebih jelasnya, yuk... Baca saja materi Blaming dibawah ini, oiya ada juga lho... materi tentang Accusing ( Menuduh ). Ayo langsung saja ! Check this out !
1. Blaming ( Menyalahkan )
Blaming is
when someone said that person did a mistake that should be her/ his
responbility, like choosing wrong way. Blaming is
an expression that is used to say on somebody the responbility for something
done (badly or wrongly) or not done. example : he
blamed his teacher for his failure
Expressions of blaming :
- It was your fault
- You are the one to blame
- Serves you right
- You are to blame for steal my …
Responses of blaming :
- I’m sorry. It’s my fault
- Sorry for my fault
- I’m sorry for the things. I’ve done
- It’s my responbility. I’m sorry
2. Accusing (Menuduh)
Accusing is expression when someone said that person did
something wrong although she/ he doesn’t know the truth, like stealing. Say that somebody has done wrong or broken the law, example : she accused me of thief
Expressions of accusing :
- It must have been you who did it
- I think you’re the only person who could have done it
- You must be doing something wrong
- You must be the door
Responses of accusing :
- I’m sorry. It’s my fault
- Sorry for my fault
- I’m sorry for the things. I’ve done
- It’s my responbility. I’m sorry
Blaming : Menyalahkan
Accusing : Menuduh
Responbility : tanggung jawab
Fault :kesalahan
Truth : Kebenaran
Stealing : mencuri
Mistake : Kessalahan
Failur : kegagalan
Incur : menuai hasil
Dian Wibowo K. (@dian_wkwk, facebook/dianwibowo),
Muh. Rifky Adhani
from Group 11, on (Wednesday) August 8, 2012.
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