Desember 01, 2012

Passive Sentences

Apa maksud dari tulisan pada gambar di atas ? You know ? yep, that’s right.  Tulisan pada gambar di atas ada kalimat dari passive sentence dalam tensis Present Continous Tense. Untuk lebih lengkapnya, let’s more learn about this. Check out !

Direct - Indirect Speech

We often have to give information about what people say or think. In order to do this you can use direct or quoted speech, or indirect or reported speech.

Direct Speech / Quoted Speech
Saying exactly what someone has said is called direct speech (sometimes called quoted speech)
Here what a person says appears within quotation marks ("...") and should be word for word.
For example:
She said, "Today's lesson is on presentations." Or "Today's lesson is on presentations," she said.

Narrative Text

Nah, kali ini kita akan membahas tentang Narrative text. Apa yang kamu pikirkan ketika melihat gambar diatas ? lucu ? Ya, of course. Itu hasil editan Mega melalu Corel photopaint. But, bukan itu intinya. Intinya adalah gambar diatas merupakan cerita Timun Mas atau Golden Cucumber. Cerita Timun Mas tersebut masuk kategori Narrative text. Mengapa ? kok bisa ? yuk... simak aja langsung ! Check this out guys !

Persuading and Encouraging, Preventing Someone from Doing Something

Persuading is an expression to persuade someone. So, someone want to do something as like as persuader’s request. 
Expressions of Persuading :
§   Are you really sure you can’t/couldn’t...?
§   Don’t be so silly!
§   I really think it would be a pity if we didn’t...
§   Are you quite sure you won’t consider...?
§   Buy me this one, Mom, please ?

Contrastive Conjunction and Modal Perfect

Contrastive Conjunction
Types of conjunction
Different types of conjunctions link information in different ways. It is important to know which conjunctions establish which types of links.
There are five main types of conjunction in English.
1. Conjunctions of addition and replacement
Additive conjunctions simply add more information to what is already there. Examples of additive conjunctions include:
and, also, in addition, not only … but also, moreover, further, besides.

Discussion Text

Sekarang kita akan mempelajari tentang Discussion Text. Well, let's learn guys !

Asking possibilities, expressing couriusity and desire, Expressing Views


To know, to find, to inform possibilities the following phrases might be useful.

Do you think it is possible
  • ·         Is it likely to….
  • ·         Is there any chance?
  • ·         Can she be…?
  • ·         I think it is going to….
  • ·         I bet…..
  • ·         It’s quite possible
  • ·         It seems probable
  • ·         It looks like

Business Letters

Pada materi kita kali ini, kita akan mempelajari materi tentang Business Letters. Ya, materi ini lumayan rumit. Nah, untuk lebih jelasnya.
Ayo... kita pelajari !
Let's go to check this out bro !

Explanation Text

Materi kita kali ini Explanation Text, secara garis besar Explanation text adalah sebuah text yang digunakan untuk memberitahukan Pembaca tentang fenomena yang ada di dunia, melalui berberapa proses (karakteristik).
Seperti gambar di samping. Gambar tersebut mejelaskan tentang fenomena efek rumah kaca. Namun, dalam penyajiannya belum memenuhi karakteristik Explanation Text. Well, kalo kamu mau tahu lebih jelasnya tentang Explanation text.  
Let's check this out, guys ! 

Complaining and Giving Instruction

Pada pembelajaran kali ini, kita akan membahas tentang Complaining and Giving Instruction. well, let's check this out, bro !

Calendar and Clock